Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Can’t decide between having a traditional wedding or a destination wedding? If you’re here, you’re probably highly considering a destination wedding, and you’re about to tip the scale!

A destination wedding will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made (aside from deciding to say “yes” to marriage). It will create lasting memories for you and your guests. Imagine exchanging marriage vows against a scenic backdrop of paradise.

Let’s check out all of the benefits of a destination wedding that will make you want to contact your travel advisor today to start planning the trip!

Customize Your Experience

Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Planning a destination wedding gives you the flexibility to customize every aspect of your wedding, including the location. Don’t settle for the local scenery – instead, escape to a tropical destination in the Caribbean or another exotic destination.

Top destination wedding locations have resorts that offer wedding packages that allow you to handpick the details of your wedding before you even arrive. Choose your ideal setting, colors, entertainment, and more to make your wedding truly special and tailored to you.


Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Did you know that a destination wedding can actually be more affordable than a traditional wedding? Unfortunately, when most people think about a destination wedding, they think that it’s only reserved for the wealthy, but that’s far from the truth.

Traditional weddings can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars, and that’s only for the ceremony. You have to consider the reception and your honeymoon. Costs can also grow exponentially depending on how many people you invite.

Destination weddings eliminate the cost of a huge wedding venue and even the honeymoon – the biggest expense is travel. In addition, these weddings typically have fewer people to account for during your planning.

Smaller Guest List

Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Making your wedding guest list is always a challenge. How can you say no to your college freshmen dorm roommate who you haven’t seen since graduation, and who should you assign to sit next to the uncle that talks a bit too much?

Give yourself a breather when planning your destination wedding because even if you invite everyone saved in your phone, a majority won’t show up. That only means that the people who attend your destination wedding are the people most special to you and want to be with you on your big day.

Multi-day Celebration

Weddings are always a fun time where you get to see many of your friends, family, and people you’ve been trying to reconnect with for years. But the thing about traditional weddings is that they’re usually a one-day event and then people go back to their normal, busy lives.

But nobody wants to travel only for a day and then get back on the flight back home. So, take advantage by making plans that last at least a couple of days to give you more quality time with family and friends.

More Fun

A destination wedding is nothing more than a vacation with a wedding celebration added to the itinerary! Give your guests something to look forward to by planning an incredible itinerary before and after the wedding.

The wedding ceremony doesn’t last a long time, so you can plan many fun activities during the trip. Organize sightseeing tours, spa days, go to the beach and explore other cultural activities.

Planning fun during your destination wedding is where your travel advisor comes in handy to let you know about things you don’t want to miss during your trip.

Less Stress

Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Everyone wants to get married, but the part that’s often overlooked is the planning process. It’s why you see many people engaged for months, even years, before officially tying the knot. Planning a wedding can be a stressful time trying to get every detail perfect before the big day.

If you’re planning a destination wedding, a lot of the planning is done for you. For example, consider one of the popular wedding destination resorts that provide onsite wedding planners. These wedding planners do most of the planning for you and already have a long list of vendors to use.

Destination wedding planners are booked through the resort, and your travel advisor can help arrange a planner.


Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

Weddings are a special time of love between two people. When wedding season comes around, people can easily have multiple weddings to go to – it becomes just another event for them. But a destination wedding is different and creates a much more intimate experience with the people who attend.

There is a lot of planning, even for your guests. They have to make their own bookings, ask for time off, and more. Most people wouldn’t go through the hassle for someone they barely know.

Understand that anyone who shows up at your destination wedding really wanted to be there and sacrificed a lot to make it happen. That in itself is special to think about!


Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

In a traditional wedding, we try so hard to transform our everyday environment into paradise. But why not just travel to paradise where everything is already perfect. A destination wedding brings you to paradise instead of attempting to recreate it at home.

Destination weddings simplify the planning process. The location is already the perfect wedding venue, and the resort planners handle all of the details before you arrive. These types of weddings let you enjoy more of the wedding – before, during, and after.

Unique Experience

Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

How many people do you know have had a destination wedding? Chances are, it’s a lot fewer than who decided to go with a traditional wedding. Destination weddings automatically stand out and create lasting memories for you and your guests.

Imagine the timeless wedding pictures you’ll get in an exotic destination. Even your guests will be talking about your wedding because for them, it’s also a vacation to somewhere new.

Destination weddings give everyone a unique experience that you’ll never forget.

Wedding & Honeymoon In One

Top 10 Benefits of a Destination Wedding

One of the biggest benefits of a destination wedding is that it can also be your honeymoon. Why leave paradise if you’re already there? Give you and your new spouse a few extra days after all the guests leave to enjoy your destination on your own.

You only have to plan for one trip if you decide on a destination wedding. You can either stay at the same resort, or many couples choose to go to a different resort to give multiple experiences in one trip.

Are you convinced yet that a destination wedding is a right way to go? Whether you’re ready to book or want to find out more information on a place you have in mind, contact us today to speak to a travel advisor that can help you make the right choice.

There is 1 comment

  1. Its’ great that you mentioned how a destination wedding could actually be more affordable than a traditional wedding. My partner and I are planning to get married early next year and we are thinking of turning it into a destination wedding. With that in mind, we should make sure to hire destination weddings music services for the event.

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